Career CV

The point of a good CV is to provide some information so that you end up in the right pile, namely the pile the company continues to work with. It doesn’t matter if you are a director, middle manager or specialist. It’s just as important.

You can generally build your CV with an Executive Summary and Extended CV. The advantage is to get an overview of you and your skills in 15 seconds – which is very important when a company manager or headhunter sits and skims CVs.

When they have read the Executive Summary and got the overview and put you in the right pile, they then want to go into detail with your successes, and this is where the Extended CV comes in.

The first page of a good CV is called the Executive Summary, and must give the reader an overview of your education(s) and your career as well as the most important skills.

The Executive Summary must contain the following:

Executive Summary:

  1. “Hard facts” at the top (name, contact details, marital status) and picture (important)
  2. Here you write two max. three lines about what you would like to work with in the future
  3. Then you list your education one line for each and year from/to
  4. Next, your career one line for each and year from/to
  5. Finally, other important things to be able to judge you (special languages, important board positions, publications, articles, etc.)

Finally, limit it to one page, so remember that it is only the important aspects of the job that you have to write.

If the reader considers that you have the skills required to contest the vacant job, the reader can read more about you and your successes in the elaboration on page two onwards.

On page two, there must be a more in-depth explanation of your education and career. You can go into more detail here, and we recommend that the Extended CV should contain the following:

Extended CV:

  1. You can specify the education with projects, the content of the main assignment and what you have acquired from other knowledge.
  2. Career can be substantiated with successes, tasks, references, information about the company etc. Etc.
  3. Spare time
  4. Side jobs
  5. Etc.


It’s important to spend time setting up your CV in an easy-to-read way, but be aware that using templates can limit how much space you have to write – and after all, it’s you, we would like to know something about.

We want to know more about YOU and we hope that you will put your career CV in our CV database.

You can also add other documents here.

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