Headhunting of the chairman of the board and board members

Professional board

Competitiveness arises in the meeting between visions, knowledge, demands from the outside world, commitment and morals

Which strategy ensures the company’s development? Which markets should we expand? Should we have new products? Are the internal processes optimal? What about our risk profile? Do we have the right skills to drive growth towards new goals?

Family-owned companies, indeed virtually all companies, are challenged to keep their knowledge apparatus sharp. At ESBEES, we put effort into getting owner-managers to see the value in professional board development, because we know that it pays off in the long run.

Why should you have a professional board?

You shouldn’t have anyone looking over your shoulder.
You get a forward-looking board that…

  • You see perspectives and potentials that you don’t see yourself because you are (quite correctly) focused on operations.
  • Is not involved financially, emotionally or otherwise has preferences for individuals or factions in the company’s ownership or staff.
  • Can contribute with support for an area/person that you lack – e.g. sales, production, supply chain and R&D.

Intelligent composition of the board develops the company where you want to go. Therefore, your board should be continuously developed, adapted and optimized in relation to the composition of knowledge and competences.

No one can create the best results alone (and it's never too late to start)

Have you had bad experiences with a professional board? If so, you have done something wrong.

Putting together a professional board requires a thorough process. External help is therefore a value-creating necessity.

Headhunting for a new board takes place like other types of positions:

Together, we draw up a detailed plan for future action areas – and what can be done to achieve strategic goals.
We prepare a profile for a new board chairman and/or member, and look for a field of candidates who are presented to all decision makers.

Sparring on a professional board?

Get in touch with us for a chat about a new board or changes to the one you already have.